Divorce Counseling & Divorce Recovery Group Testimonials

Hear what graduates say about Jen's Rebuilding Seminars

"Without a doubt, this class was one of the best investments I’ve ever made in myself and my future. While I initially questioned whether I “belonged” there - my divorce was amicable and non-traumatic - I quickly realized that the relationship skills and self-analysis it teaches are profoundly helpful in all relationships, not just romantic partnerships. Each week’s session brought many new insights, “aha!” moments, and the humor, support, and camaraderie of my diverse and wonderful classmates. As strange as it may sound for a support group, I was genuinely sad when the class was over.  

None of this would have been possible without Jen. I can’t imagine a better facilitator for a Rebuilders group! And I speak from experience, after a “false start” with a different and much larger Rebuilders class. The smaller size of this group and Jen’s gifts as a therapist made all the difference in the world for me. She’s everything others have said in their testimonials and more…wise, empathetic, non-judgmental, and importantly, brings humor and lived experience to the group. Thank you, Jen, for helping me grow in ways I didn’t know possible, and for sharing your gifts with my class." -A.N.

"My divorce was years behind, but still I struggled with unresolved grief and anger. I felt stuck - unable to move on in a healthy way or break the emotional chains of past sorrow. When chance pointed me in this direction, I took a leap of faith and registered.


The ten weeks that followed taught me so much in my healing path. This course and the camaraderie of our little group became a high point of my week, where sessions rarely closed without a good shared belly laugh or two.
And all the best-intentioned self-help books would have been useless without
Jen as a facilitator - her empathetic and kind spirit encouraged each of us participants to open up and grow beyond our past wounds. 


The Fisher Divorce Seminar showed me I could break through the emotional barriers that entrapped me, and surprised me with a new
connection with a diverse group of caring and supportive peers to boot. It helped me to feel ready to love - and believe in love - again." -S.A.S.

"I had an excellent experience with the Fisher Rebuilding Seminar™ with Jennifer Meyer. Jen did a very nice job of moving through a lot of material and exercises while staying flexible depending on how the group discussion was going. Her intuition on how to lead the group was
quite good.

While we were a small group, there was a lot of laughter and bonding that helped us get through some very challenging introspection and reflection. Jen has a very calm and thoughtful manner, and the fact that she has been in our shoes and could share her own thoughts and experiences meant a lot. I would highly recommend anyone going through a divorce (or loss of a significant relationship) take this seminar. Forcing yourself to reflect, write things down and share them with other trusted friends is not to be underestimated!" -E.L.

“Rebuilders was just what I needed to move through my divorce in a healthy, reflective, and supported way. Jen is AMAZING! I learned so much about myself during this class and made some wonderful connections with the other participants, too.” -J.C.

"I initially wasn’t sure the Rebuilding workshop was for me, but challenged myself to stick with it. I’m so glad I did! It ended up being just what I needed to help me heal after the loss of my relationship. I was able to process a lot of difficult emotions and gain new insight. Our facilitator Jen was incredibly kind and supportive. I also met a wonderful group of new friends and even managed to find my smile again!" - A.S.

"Jen is an incredible seminar leader and therapist. She is full of empathy since she's been through the pain of divorce. But she also teaches the material and guides the class in a gentle, consistent, and thoroughly respectful manner.

You feel safe in her care. It's to her credit that the class can go from a tearful, deer-in-the-headlights trauma-filled first night, to tossing the Kleenex box to one another in jest and warmth mid-seminar, to hilarious stories of online dating apps shared over cookies and the final farewell Huggle" - H.D.

"Coming into the Fisher Rebuilding Seminar(TM), I felt unsure and afraid of what I was going through. In the process, I learned how to grieve a great loss, learn more about myself, and develop meaningful connections with others in my group going through similar difficult circumstances."

- C.B.

"Jen is honest, real, empathetic, and not afraid to say the tough things, but always delivers with so much love and grace. I am eternally grateful that Jen was there in my path when I most needed help. She has truly been a guiding light."

- A.S.

"What I liked best about the Seminar?

Jen! She was awesome! I liked the focus being on myself and trying to be a better person--and that living alone (without my past partner) is not so bad and I can do this!" -C.B.

"It was helpful for me to hear stories of similar circumstances and feelings. I was able to relate to somebody since I don't have anyone I can do that with. It felt like a very safe space to just be. The class helped me realize I really wasn't in the angry stage and really hadn't dealt with grief."

- J.M.

"Jennifer embodies the best of both the skills and instincts of a facilitator, bringing her talents to the program with enthusiasm and empathy."

- Will Limon

Author of "The Rebuilding Workbook"

"If only more divorcees out there would take this, then we would all be in a better place to make wiser well-informed decisions for the most important relationships we have. Thank you, classmates, and thank you, Jen--and thank you, Mr. Fisher (book author)!!! It's crowded but beautiful on top of this mountain."

- H.D.

"Jen (the facilitator of the Fisher Rebuilding Seminar) was kind and easy to talk with. She had compassion and wise words, and was non-judgmental."

- M.D.

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